

  1. 堀,古田,近藤,「副作業法によるメンタルワークロードの測定」,第4回確率論的安全評価に関する国内シンポジウム,IAE-R8903,154-158,1989年12月
  2. 古田,「基礎的手法とその応用―知識表現と推論―」,原子力における人工知能の応用,平成4年電気学会全国大会シンポジウム, S.17-1-1,1992年3月
  3. 古田 監訳,「認知システム工学」,海文堂 (1996).
  4. 古田,「プロセス認知工学」,海文堂 (1998).


  1. 古田,「運転員行動シミュレーションのための推論システム」,UTNL-R-0232,2-5,1989年2月
  2. K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Reasoning on Plant Process Using TMS with Temporal Constraints", Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Cambridge, Springer, 323-321 (1989).
  3. K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Workload Assessment Based on Computer Simulation of Operator's Cognitive Behavior," Proc. ANS Topical Meeting on Frontiers in Innovative Computing for the Nuclear Industry, Jackson Lake, 140-149 (1991).
  4. 古田,「認知行動シミュレーションによるマンマシンシステムの評価」,第7回ヒューマンインタフェース・シンポジウム論文集,2122 413-420,1991年10月
  5. K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Assessment of Man-Machine Systems by Computer Simulation of Operator's Cognitive Behaviour," Proc. Int. Symposium on Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control, Tokyo, 12.1 (1992).
  6. D. Emmanji, K. Furuta, and S. Kondo, "A Deterministic Model of Plant Operators using Associative Network and Loose Truth Maintenance," Proc. Int. Conf. on Design and Safety of Advanced Nuclear Power Plants, Tokyo, vol. 3, P13.2 (1992).
  7. K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "An approach to assessment of plant man-machine systems by computer simulation of an operator's cognitive behavior," Int. J. Man-Machine Studies, 39, 473-493 (1993).
  8. 古田,「運転員集団の認知行動シミュレーション」,第6回確率論的安全評価に関する国内シンポジウム論文集,IAE-R9206,83-88,1993年1月
  9. K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Computer Simulation Model of Cognitive Process in Group Works," Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction, Orlando, 979-984 (1993).
  10. 古田,「運転員集団の認知行動シミュレーション」,Human Interface News and Report, 8, 1, 43-48 (1993).
  11. 吉川,古田,古田,田辺,「ヒューマンファクターの最近の話題―ヒューマンモデリング―」,日本原子力学会誌, 35[3], 196-199 (1993).
  12. K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Study of Operator Crew Performance Based on Cognitive Models," Proc. 4th European Conf. on Cognitive Science Approaches to Process Control, Frederiksborg, 77-90 (1993).
  13. 吉川,古田,「原子力におけるヒューマンモデリング」,日本原子力学会誌, 36[4], 268-278 (1994).
  14. K. Furuta, H. Katayama and S. Kondo, "Group Cognitive Model and Its Application to Communication Network Experiments," Proc. 2nd Workshop on Super Simulators for Nuclear Power Plants, Tokyo, 149-155 (1994).
  15. 古田 他,「プラント異常診断認知実験の計算機シミュレーション」,Human Interface News and Report, 9, 4, 423-430 (1994).
  16. 古田,片山,近藤,「集団認知モデルによるコミュニケーションネットワーク実験の解析」,第10回ヒューマンインタフェース・シンポジウム論文集,1433 253-260,1994年10月.
  17. 古田,片山,近藤,「集団認知モデルによるコミュニケーションネットワーク実験の解析」,Progress in Human Interface, 4 (2), 91-98 (1995).
  18. K. Furuta, H. Katayama and S. Kondo, "Simulation of Communication Network Experiments by Group Cognitive Model," Proc. 6th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symp. on Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems, Boston, 151-156 (1995).
  19. K. Furuta, et al., "Analysis of Operator's Diagnostic Behavior Using Computer Simulation," Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction, Yokohama, 957-962 (1995).
  20. 古田 他,「運転員認知モデルを用いたプラント異常診断認知過程」,日本原子力学会誌, 38, 65-74 (1996).
  21. K. Furuta, T. Shimada and S. Kondo, "Simulating Interactions Between Operator and Environment," Proc. Int. Conf. On Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, Crete, 15-20 (1996).
  22. K. Furuta, "Cognitive Space of Operator's Knowledge," Proc. 6th European Conf. on Cognitive Science Approaches to Process Control, Baveno, 229-234 (1997).
  23. 古田,吉村,「巨大システム・プラントと人間8 ヒューマンモデリングの研究と展開」,Human with Technology,1[8], 121-132 (1997).
  24. 古田,「プラント運転員の包括的知識モデル」,Human Interface News and Report, 12, 4, 443-448 (1997).
  25. 古田,増井,近藤,「集団問題解決における発話分析とコミュニケーション・モデル」,第13回ヒューマンインタフェース・シンポジウム論文集,2433 715-720,1997年10月.
  26. 古田,「ヒューマンモデルングの現状と課題」,人工知能学会誌,13[3], 356-363 (1998).
  27. 吉川,古田,中川,吉村,吉田,内藤,「原子力におけるヒューマンモデル研究の現状と応用領域の展望」,日本原子力学会誌,41[1], 2-14 (1999).


  1. K. Furuta, "Consideration on the Role of Human and Machine in Future Nuclear Power Plants," Proc. ANS Int. Top. Meet. On Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human-Machine Interface Technol., State College, 451-457 (1996).
  2. 古田,酒井,近藤,「プラントHMI高度化に向けた運転員の意図推論」,Human Interface News and Report, 12, 1, 486-490 (1997).
  3. Furuta, K., Sakai, T. and Kondo, S., Heuristics for Intention Inferencing in Plant Operation, Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, Springer, 1907-1912 (1998).
  4. 小山,古田,近藤,「意図推論に基づく知的プラント・ヒューマン・インタフェース」,計測自動制御学会論文集,34, 12,1953-1958 (1998).


  1. Y. Furuhama, K. Furuta, and S. Kondo, "Identification of human errors in support of the development of intelligent computer-aided instruction systems for plant operator training," Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 47, 75-84 (1995).
  2. Y. Furuhama, K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "A Methodology to Represent Plant Operator's Mental Model for Training Support System," Proc. 5th European Conf. on Cognitive Science Approaches to Process Control, Espoo, 137-146 (1995).
  3. 古田,「将来炉における運転員の役割と訓練支援」,電気学会研究会資料,NE-96-17 43-52, 1996年9月.
  4. 古田,古濱,近藤,「高度自動化システムにおける運転員の役割と訓練支援」,人工知能学会研究会(知的教育システム)資料,SIG-IES-9602 1-6, 1996年10月.
  5. K. Furuta, K. Nakanishi and S. Kondo, "Visualization of Knowledge-Model Used for Plant Operation," Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction, San Francisco, 751-754 (1997).
  6. 古田,古濱,酒井,近藤,「プラント運転操作訓練支援システムのための学習者モデル構築手法」,人工知能学会誌,13[5] (1998).
  7. Y. Furuhama, K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Knowledge Model of Trainee for Training Support System of Plant Operation," Cognitive Systems Engineering in Process Control, 9-18, ESSCS, Groningen, The Netherlands (1998).
  8. Furuta, K., Kude, A. and Matsuoka, Y., Design Process Representation Language as a Basis for Supporting Knowledge Transfer, Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, Springer 921-926 (1998).


  1. K. Furuta and Tim Smithers, "Numerical Methods in AI-Based Design Systems," Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Oxford, 45-58 (1991).
  2. K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "A Framework for AI-Based Nuclear Design System," Proc. 1st JSME/ASME Joint Int. Conf. on Nuclear Engineering, Tokyo, 393-398 (1991).
  3. K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Framework for AI-Based Nuclear Reactor Design Support System," J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 29, 415-421 (1992).
  4. K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "A Constraint Based Approach to Intelligent Support of Nuclear Reactor Design," Proc. Int. Conf. on Design and Safety of Advanced Nuclear Power Plants, Tokyo, vol. 3, P11.1 (1992).
  5. K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "QCE: An Intelligent Aid Towards Self-Explanatory Computer Simulation," Proc. Joint Int. Conf. on Mathematical Methods and Super Computing in Nuclear Applications, Karlsruhe, vol. 1, 367-378 (1993).
  6. 古田,「AI技術を用いた原子炉設計支援システム」,JAERI-M 93-033,88-105,1993年3月
  7. K. Furuta, "A Constraint-Based Approach to Intelligent Support of Nuclear Reactor Design," Nuclear Engineering and Design, 144, 353-359 (1993).
  8. K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Knowledge-Based Support System for Requirement Elaboration in Design," Proc. Specialists' Meeting on Application of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics to Nuclear Plants, Tokai, 203-213 (1994).
  9. K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Support Tool for Design Requirement Elaboration," Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Philadelphia, 577-584 (1994).
  10. 古田,妻屋,近藤,「設計者の認知的作業空間に基づく設計要求の展開支援」,Progress in Human Interface, 3 (2), 103-110 (1994).


  1. K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Generation of Operational Procedure for Research Reactor Using Nonlinear Planner", J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 25 889-890 (1988).
  2. 古田,堀,近藤,「知識工学を用いた原子力発電プラントの異常兆候監視支援」電気学会原子力研究会資料,NE-91-7 55-62,1991年8月
  3. 古田, 堀, 近藤, 「知識工学による原子力発電プラントの異常兆候監視支援方式」, 日本原子力学会誌, 34, 259-265 (1992).
  4. 古田,「進化する診断技術―ニューラル・ネットワーク―」,日本原子力学会誌,40[9], 671-675 (1998).


  1. 古田,「集団信頼性への集団構造の影響分析」,第5回確率論的安全評価に関する国内シンポジウム論文集,IAE-R9006,177-181,1990年12月
  2. K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Impact of Group Organization on Human Reliability," SMiRT 11th Post Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment Method, Kyoto (1991).
  3. K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Group Reliability Analysis," Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 35, 159-167 (1992).
  4. 古田,「情報ネットワークを用いた人間集団の信頼性解析」,第22回安全工学シンポジウム講演予稿集,11-14,1992年6月
  5. K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Impact of Group Organization on Human Reliability," Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 38, 193-198 (1992).


  1. 加藤,古田,近藤,「位相保存性ニューラルネットワークの自己組織的学習特性」,電子情報通信学会論文誌,J80-D-II, 1, 354-358 (1997).
  2. 大石,古田,近藤,「自己生成・自己組織化ニューラルネットワークを用いた自律移動ロボットの環境認識とナビゲーション」,計測自動制御学会論文集,33, 3, 203-208 (1997).
  3. K. Furuta, T. Oishi and S. Kondo, "Workspace Recognition and Navigation Using Self-Creating and Self-Organizing Neural Network," Proc. ANS 7th Top. Meet. on Robotics and Remote Systems, Augusta, 345-351 (1997).
  4. A. Rajapakse, K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Photovoltaic Cell Temperature Estimation Using Neural Networks," Trans. IEEJ, 117-C, 12, 1827-1832 (1997).
  5. A. Rajapakse, K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "An Approach for Fault Tolerant Controller Design Using Kalman Filters and Fuzzy Logic", Preprints of IFAC Symposium on Artifitial Intelligence in Real-Time Control (AIRTC 97), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1997).
  6. A. Rajapakse, K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Adaptive Geno-Fuzzy Control of Process Plants Via Perpetual Evolution", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA 98), Trieste, Italy (1998).
  7. A, Rajapakse, K. Furuta and S. Kondo: Identification of Nonlinear Dynamic Models with Partially Connected Neural Networks Trained Using Orthogonal Least Square Estimation, Trans. IEEJ, 119-C, 3, 335-343 (1999).


  1. 秋山,古田 他,「U-235,Pu-239およびU-233の高速中性子核分裂による核分裂生成物からのγ線崩壊熱の測定」,日本原子力学会誌,24,709-722 (1982).
  2. 秋山,古田 他,「U-235,Pu-239およびU-233の高速中性子核分裂による核分裂生成物からのβ線崩壊熱の測定」,日本原子力学会誌,24,803-816 (1982).
  3. Y. Oka, K. Furuta and S. An, "Concept and Nuclear Performance of Power Producing Fast Fission Blankets for Fusion-Fission Hybrid Reactors Using Equilibrium Fissile Fuel", J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 19, 166-168 (1982).
  4. Y. Oka, H. Madarame, K. Furuta, et al., "Preliminary Design of Light Ion Beam Fusion Reactors, UTLIF(1) and ADLIB-I", Proc. Int. Topical Meet. on ICF Research by Light Ion Beam, IPPJ-611, 136 (1982).
  5. 秋山,古田 他,「高速炉における崩壊熱の研究」,UTNL-R-0151,1983年6月
  6. K. Furuta, Y. Oka and S. An, "Design and Safety Study of Fusion-Fission Hybrid Reactor", Nucl. Eng. Design/Fusion, 1, 255-263 (1984).
  7. 古田,「電力生産型ハイブリッド炉とその安全解析」,UTNL-R-0176,16-21,1985年1月
  8. 古田,「核データの感度不確定性解析」,UTNL-R-0178,48-53,1985年6月
  9. K. Furuta, Y. Oka and S. Kondo, "A Cross-Section Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis on Fusion Reactor Blankets with SAD/SED Effect", Nucl. Eng. Design/Fusion, 3, 287-300 (1986).
  10. K. Furuta, Y. Oka and S. Kondo, "Development of Method for Estimating and Correcting Errors in Numerical Solution of Transport Equation Based on Perturbation Theory", J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 24, 173-180 (1987).
  11. K. Furuta, Y. Oka and S. Kondo, "Accuracy of Multi-Group Transport Calculation in D-T Fusion Neutronics", J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 24, 333-339 (1987).
  12. K. Kataoka, K. Furuta, et al., "Neutronic and Thermodynamic Feasibility of UF6-NpF6 Fueled Transmutation Reactor", Nucl. Eng. Design, 110, 99-105 (1988).
  13. K. Furuta, et al., "Measurement and Analysis of Neutron Spectra from Chromium Slab for 14 MeV Neutron Source", Proc. Int. Conf. on Nucl. Data for Sci. and Technol., Mito, 279-281 (1988).
  14. Y. Oka, K. Furuta, et al., "Adjustment of Iron Cross Section Using an Integral Experiment", ibid., 529-532 (1988).
  15. Y. Oka, K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Fusion Nuclear Systems Design and Analysis", Fusion Eng. Design, 7, 369-376 (1989).
  16. K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Simulation of Reasoning and Planning Processes of Plant Operators", Proc. ANS 3rd Top. Meet. on Robotics and Remote Systems, Charleston, CONF-890304, 6-5 (1989).
  17. L. Qian, K. Furuta and S. Kondo, "Physical Feasibility of Tin-Cooled Minor Actinide Self-Burner," Proc. Int. Conf. on Design and Safety of Advanced Nuclear Power Plants, Tokyo, vol. 1, P3.2 (1992).